Wednesday 13 January 2021

Does ear microsuction hurt? – Ear Wax Removal London

Does ear microsuction hurt? – Ear Wax Removal London

Does ear microsuction hurt?

In nearly all cases, ear wax microsuction does not hurt at all, as the medical suction unit is designed to use a very gentle level of suction. It can be a little noisy, but not a lot more than the noise of a hand dryer or vacuum cleaner. While some websites say that softening with ear drops is not necessary, we believe that using earol sterile olive oil spray for at least two to three days prior to your procedure will make it more comfortable and maximise the chances of 100% ear wax removal, especially for people who have a history of very hard or impacted ear wax. People who have had a confirmed diagnoses of ear drum perforation should avoid using earol or other ear drops.

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