Earwax Removal in London And hearing tests
Earwax removal in London is available by appointment at several of the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network Clinics.
Each Practice carries out Earwax removal and other hearing tests so that they can diagnose impacted earwax by taking your health history and giving your ear a physical exam.
Microsuction Earwax Removal Network is an ear wax removal specialist in the London area.
Jason Levy, the founder and owner of the group, has worked in audiology for over 25 years and is passionate about helping people who are suffering from hearing loss and hearing problems.
In his group of practices, he offers a wide range of audiology services including hearing aids, hearing tests and earwax removal.
He offers microsuction earwax removal at his hearing aid centres in London and surrounding areas. the big advantage of using his services is that if you feel that you have an ear wax blockage, but it turns out that there isn’t any, we can also provide hearing tests and give unbiased independent advice on the best treatment to help remedy your hearing problems.
Jason levy is a hearing aid audiologist who owns and manages the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network.
He also provides a range of other services at the Berkley Court Practice including hearing tests and fitting hearing aids.
The Audiologist use a small, curved instrument called a curet in conjunction with microsuction to remove the excess wax from the ear.
Earwax removal in London is available by appointment at several of the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network.
Each Practice carries out Earwax removal and other hearing tests so that they can diagnose impacted earwax by taking your health history and giving your ear a physical exam. These consultations will include some simple hearing tests to enable the Audiologist to determine the best course of action to restore your hearing.
The Audiologist should easily be able to see the wax when looking at your ear through a device known as an otoscope. The Audiologist might diagnose you with impacted earwax even if you don’t have any symptoms.
For example, you might have initially attended an appointment for one reason, believing that your hearing was deteriorating as a natural element of simply getting older. However, on examination, the Audiologist may well discover that the root of the problem is just a build-up of earwax which can easily be removed by microsuction.
Microsuction Earwax Removal Network is the ear wax removal specialist in the London area, Jason Levy, the founder and owner of the group has worked in audiology for over 25 years and is passionate about helping people who are suffering from hearing and hearing problems. In his group of practices, he offers a wide range of audiology services including hearing aids, hearing tests and earwax removal. He offers microsuction earwax removal at his hearing aid centres in London and surrounding areas.
Microsuction Earwax Removal Network is an audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics. You may ask what is an Audiologist? An audiologist is “a health care professional who is trained and qualified to evaluate hearing loss and related hearing disorders, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and to help rehabilitate individuals with hearing loss and related disorders. Jason says, “the big advantage of using his services is that if you feel that you have an ear wax blockage, but it turns out that there isn’t any, we can also provide hearing tests and give unbiased independent advice on the best treatment to help remedy your hearing problems.
Microsuction earwax removal in London is provided in Berkley Court London.

Jason levy is a hearing aid audiologist who owns and manages the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network. He also provides a range of other services at the Berkley Court Practice including hearing tests and fitting hearing aids. You can find out more about the services he provides thereby simply calling to make an appointment on 0800 1 337 987.
The Audiologist use a small, curved instrument called a curet in conjunction with microsuction to remove the excess wax from the ear. The use of microsuction to remove the wax is nowadays used in preference to the old method of using water and a rubber-bulb syringe which was usually filled with warm water. Doctor’s generally suggested this method for many years until the medical device for microsuction was approved.
Can You treat earwax build-up yourself?
No, not safely. Hydrogen peroxide has been considered an effective ingredient in earwax removal solutions for many years but is only a temporary self-help remedy, not recommended to be used over a long period of time.
Researchers discovered that although earwax irrigation was for many years one of the most common treatments, eardrops may be the most cost-effective way to treat earwax buildup at home in the short term. Researchers in a 2015 study in Australia advocated Pharmaceutical quality eardrops as a first-line treatment to help ears self-clean. It was also discovered that earwax irrigation, or using water to remove the wax, can often lead to complications. Using eardrops generally has less room for error and are considered a safer option. However, if you have a recurring problem with earwax build up then the help of an audiologist should be sought to help and diagnose the problem and recommend a safe course of action for the Long term health of your ears.
Speak to an audiologist about earwax build-up. They can give advice and suggest treatments. They might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax initially followed by the removal of the earwax with micro suction. Do not use ear drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum) as this will lead to further complications.
Earwax removal by Microsuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you can return home the same day. Earwax removal can be a one-off treatment, but often follow-up appointments may be needed in the case of persistent earwax buildup. Your audiologist will also give you advice on the best ways to prevent future build-up. On rare occasions, temporary complications following treatment can occur, for example, you might feel a little unsteady on your feet and your balance may be affected in the short term, but this generally clears quite quickly.
A build-up of earwax can contribute to temporary hearing loss because it may block the normally open pathway to the eardrum. In addition, it can cause pressure, pain, and tinnitus if it is not treated and continues to build up. It is also important to assess your earwax buildup because it can be indicative of other related health problems such as autoimmune diseases, some skin diseases or infections.
You are recommended to see your Audiologist if you regularly hear sounds such as buzzing, ringing or humming in your ears. They will then carry out an examination of your ears to see if the problem may be caused by a related condition which they could easily treat, such as an ear infection or earwax build-up.
An Audiologist can also do some simple hearing checks to see if you are suffering from any hearing loss. Treating hearing loss may be as simple as having your ears cleaned. Earwax can become impacted and be pressing against the eardrum, which will then affect your hearing. Did you know that earwax can become compacted and press against your eardrum, causing difficulty hearing or ringing in the ears?
If left untreated, excessive earwax may cause the ear wax impaction to become even worse. These symptoms could possibly include hearing loss, ear irritation, or a ringing in the ears. A build-up of earwax might also make it difficult for an audiologist to see into the ear, which can result in potential problems going undiagnosed if professional help is not sought early enough.
Can A pharmacist help with earwax build-up?
A Pharmacist may be able to recommend over-the-counter earwax removal drops which are safe and inexpensive for an in-home solution, but he will also more than likely recommend that you seek further medical help such as visiting your GP or an Audiologist. The most common over the counter treatment is Debrox’s gentle, non-irritating microfoam cleansing action which goes to work to soften and remove earwax as it cleans the ear, but is not to be used repeatedly over a long period.
Earwax build-up and associated hearing loss can be easily dealt with by microsuction, provided earwax removal services are accessible locally and promptly such as can be found at the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network. However, this is far from being the case everywhere in the UK but Earwax Removal in London is readily available.
How can you tell if your ear is blocked with earwax?
You can’t prevent the build-up of earwax. It is there as a natural bodily function over which you have no control and is there to protect your ears from dirt and germs. If you suffer from regularly blocked ears it could simply be that your own body is over produce ear wax naturally.
If your ears feel blocked and it is affecting your hearing, then you need to get treatment. You can try these simple methods at home first if you do not have pain or fever associated with your earwax blockage.
Many people regularly suffer from blocked ears because the ear naturally produces a high volume of earwax. Other factors that can increase the risk of too much earwax include: producing unusually hard or dry earwax, having a very narrow or hairy ear canal (the tube between the opening of the ear and the eardrum) being elderly which can cause earwax which becomes drier with age in the outer part of the ear canal.
People who have to use hearing aids can often be more prone to earwax blockages simply because the hearing aid can prevent the natural dissipation of the earwax out of the ear. This may in extreme cases lead to a number of complications including a whistling noise from the hearing aids preventing them from working properly.
Ear wax removal and tinnitus
Occasionally people with tinnitus have reported that ear syringing has made their tinnitus more troublesome which is why it is no longer recommended as a treatment. Some people have reported that ear syringing actually caused their tinnitus.
The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network have many years of experience in audiology. We use the latest technology and ethical practice methods and we uphold the highest professional standards expected from a professional lead group.
In general terms, ear wax removal by micro-suction is a safe procedure, however, with any medical procedure, there are risks which include:
- damage to or infection of the skin of the ear canal
- a temporary shift in your hearing thresholds
- the procedure may start or aggravate any existing tinnitus.
Why does earwax vary in colour and texture?
Earwax (ear wax) is a natural substance produced by glands in the skin of the outer ear canal. The wax acts as a helpful coating for the ear canal so removal of it is not necessary. However, in some cases of ear blockage or excessive buildup, it could be necessary to try to remove the impacted wax. Any excessive wax buildup can be caused by pushing small items in your ears such as a hearing aid, hairpins, paper clips, headphones, q-tips, etc which potentially has the effect of pushing the earwax further down the canal. Never stick anything into your ear, and that includes cotton swabs.
The microsuction ear wax removal network is a division of First Health Ltd, which also encompasses the London Tinnitus Treatment Clinic and Hearing First. We are passionate about helping you achieve the most from your hearing by removing ear wax and helping you cope with the effects of tinnitus by providing the latest in high technology hearing solutions.
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