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Monday, 21 October 2013
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France
Gastric Sleeve Surgery in France
I was born overweight!
The twin sister who grew alongside me for nine months was born underweight! It was clear for all to see just who had been eating all the pies! Weight, with all its problems, has dogged me all my life and caused me no end of mental and physical pain.
I had read every diet book going and tried to lose weight by every means suggested. Yes, I lost some weight but the progress was only ever short lived. Soon the pounds piled on again, plus more besides. Each failure meant that I sank deeper into depression and I resumed my unhealthy comfort eating regime. Never, ever, did I consider having surgery and I certainly would never have entertained the idea of paying to go abroad for treatment!
Approaching Christmas 2012, I reached rock bottom. I was going to be spending the festive season alone but at least I would have lots of goodies to feast on! Having said that though, it did not really lift my mood. I could not get past the fact that I was by now three times the weight of my twin sister! How long would it be before I was four times her weight? I had already had some serious health issues, I was registered disabled, and I could foresee that my imminent retirement could be somewhat curtailed if I carried on with the lifestyle which had brought me to the point at which I now found myself. Something had to be done!
I began searching the bariatric surgery websites to learn more about weight loss surgery. I am not a very brave person and so came to the conclusion that I could possibly cope with having a lap band fitted. I went to see my GP who straight away agreed to apply for me to have the gastric lap band fitted on the NHS. Within days the GP contacted me to let me know that my application had been successful! But, and there is always a 'but', there would be a two to three year waiting list! I didn't have three years to wait! Besides, with all the research I had been doing, I was becoming highly motivated and excited about the thought of surgery to help me sort out my weight problem.
How much would surgery cost me though? Where would I have it done? I happened to come across a website for 'Gastric Band Surgery' on the internet! The price seemed manageable and, because I live in the south of England, France was easily accessible for me either by ferry or by air. I decided to email this company purely to get further information. This was when I was first introduced to Tullia Law.
Tullia provided me with a lot of information and was more than willing to address any concerns which I may have had and to dispel my fears about undergoing surgery. I continued to do further research and decided to go for the Gastric lap band. That was one decision made! The next issue was the question of money! The full cost of the procedure needed to be paid up front. I have to be honest and say that this worried me a great deal – I was on the point of retiring and that was serious money to me! Normally I am happy to pay a deposit when making a holiday booking etc. and then pay the balance nearer to the time of departure. I thought long and hard about taking this step and decided to take the plunge before I allowed myself to drop the whole idea!
Many months passed and, owing to serious illness within the family, I delayed having the surgery done. Tullia was very patient and when my confidence faltered, she was there to talk to me and put me back on track. After a great deal of procrastination, I finally settled for Jan 2013 as the time for me to go and have weight loss surgery. It was to be my New Year's resolution! And that was not the only decision I made – I decided to opt for a Gastric Sleeve! This took Tullia by surprise as I think she had begun to wonder if I would ever make any decisions!
On Jan 20th 2013 I set off for Le Havre where my surgery was due to take place on the 23rd. It had been snowing all week both sides of the Channel. I had constantly checked the weather forecasts and Tullia was in regular contact in case conditions had deteriorated to the point that it would be impossible for me to travel. I assured her that we would definitely be making the journey. All appeared to be well on Southern Rail. My companion and I were making our way to Portsmouth to catch the overnight ferry. We got no further than Brighton! It had taken us three hours to do a journey that would normally take less than hour. We had been seriously delayed by a train which had broken down less than a mile from where we lived! Tullia had phoned to check our progress and when she heard what had happened, she persuaded us to go back home and my operation would be rescheduled at no extra cost. I was really disappointed as I was so mentally and physically prepared for the op and now I was back to square one!
The very next morning Tullia contacted me to let me know that the surgery could be done on the 30th if I and my friend were willing to travel that coming weekend. We did not need much persuasion! I was elated – I couldn't wait to get the op done and to start a new chapter in my life!
I re-booked the ferry and decided that this time we would travel from Newhaven to Dieppe just in case the weekend weather was going to be bad again (there would be less travel involved). Tullia was not phased in the slightest by the fact we would be heading to Dieppe and would arrive on Mon morning at 4am! She said she would arrange for a taxi to pick us up and take us straight to our hotel in Le Havre! We couldn't believe that a taxi would be there so early in the morning – but there it was when we got off the ferry!
Everything went as smoothly as Tullia had promised. The hotel was very comfortable and, although I did not allow myself to be tempted, an excellent breakfast was provided every day. Taxis arrived on time to take us to and from the hospital. The hospital staff were friendly and professional at all times. They supported me every step of the way as I went through each of the tests leading up to the surgery. The ward staff were very patient and did not let the fact that my 'O'Level' French which was 'not quite up to it', prevent them from doing their best for me at all times.
Meeting Dr. B helped to put my mind at rest at a time when I was feeling very apprehensive about the major step I was about to take. He went through all the main issues with me and answered all the concerns which I had. He explained what would be happening pre-tests, the operation itself, the recovery and what I would need to do post operation regarding diet and nutrition. He visited me on several occasions before I left hospital and again on the day I was due to return to the UK, to check that I was okay.
Did I make the right decision by opting to go to France for a sleeve gastrectomy? Yes, without a doubt! It was the best decision I have ever made and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner! I need not have had any fears and if anybody reading these testimonials is still worried about going abroad for surgery, please do not hesitate to contact those of us who have already taken such a major step to improve the quality of our lives.
It has been a pleasure getting to know Tullia Law. I do believe that she genuinely cares about those who feel that Bariatric surgery is their only chance of dealing with their weight problem. No one would make them self available 24/7 if they did not care about their clients. Tullia runs a well oiled machine so that when people make that crucial decision, everything goes as smoothly as possible to achieve a very successful outcome. I have been reassured by the fact that she has stayed in regular contact with me to see that all is well. My twin sister has not seen me since my operation, but boy is she in for a shock!
I have lost almost three stone!
I have lost almost three stone!
Now I can look forward to my retirement. I can start to make plans to travel the world to do the things which I have not had the confidence to do before. I see it as having been given a new lease on life and I thank both Dr. B and Tullia for that!
Sussex UK
(Full Name and address supplied)
Sussex UK
(Full Name and address supplied)
Click here For More information about gastric sleeve surgery in France
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Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Gastric Bypass Surgery Testimonial from UK Patient for Surgery in France
A Gastric Bypass Surgery Testimonial
To Tullia Law, Senior Co-ordinator Laser Clinics (France) Ltd
Surgery 23 rd January 2013
I had gastric bypass surgery 2 weeks ago, on 23rd January, 2013.
I am not one of these people who makes an instant decision about anything major that I decide to do, so I had throughly researched this option and along with the blessing of my Doctor, I decided this was the best cause of action for myself and that Laser Clinics (France) Ltd was the best company for me to use.
Even though I was morbidly obese, because I did not have any other health problems and according to my Doctor, due to where I live in the UK, there was no chance for me to have this surgery done on the NHS; leaving me with no option than to pay for this treatment myself. I looked into companies in the UK but they all wanted upwards of £10 – £11,000 so I decided the other option was to go abroad to have this surgery.
Any qualms I had about leaving the country for this treatment, where put to rest, firstly by the amazing support I received from a lady called Tullia Law, who remained in contact via e-mail and phone leading up to my surgery, during my surgery in France and who has remained in touch since I returned home, to check to see how I am getting on. Knowing that there is someone on the other end of the phone should you need some support was a big comfort.
My husband (who hates hospitals, needles, etc) decided to be very brave and to accompany me to France. We made our travel arrangements and let Tullia know when we would be arriving. Before leaving the UK, I already had my itinerary of what would be happening and when, the hospital and Doctor's details, which again, made me feel happier about the whole thing.
We arrived in Le Havre on Monday 21st January and decided to walk to our hotel which was about a 10-15 minute walk from the ferry port. As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we were made to feel welcome and everything went like clockwork. They were expecting us, everything was ready and they had all the details, with regards to taxis and timings – again, this made me very happy as I knew that everything had been well organised.
We were picked up by taxi and taken to the hospital that afternoon, to meet Dr B. (who spoke excellent English), the Anaethetist, and other hospital staff. I had to have a blood test and Dr B went through what he would be doing and then asked if we had any questions, which we did not, as we had been given all of the information we required before leaving the UK. The taxi took us back to the hotel and we relaxed and went out for a nice meal in the evening.
The following day, a taxi arrived on time to take us back to the hospital and I had to have an endoscopy – not a particularly nice procedure – but again, the Doctor who performed it and the Nurses that assisted him, could not have been kinder nor more professional. My husband sat in the waiting room and said I was only 5 minutes but trust me, it felt a lot longer than that to me!!! Again, a taxi took us back to the hotel and we wandered round and had lunch.
The next morning, a taxi picked us up at 6:45 am and took us to the hospital where staff were waiting for us and were efficiently checked in to a lovely room with a private bathroom and twin beds so he was able to stay with me the whole time, which was lovely for me.
Everything was handled competently and I had the surgery which took just over 2 hours and I was back in my room about 5 hours after leaving it. The staff were brilliant and Dr B came to see me to say that all had gone well and that he would be back to check on me in a few days. The worst thing on that day was the feeling of wanting to be sick, but that was due to the anesthetic and once they found an anti-nausea drug that worked, that stopped which was a huge relief.
I was on a drip, with pain killers, fluids and when necessary, anti-nausea medication, but by the Thursday evening, I was starting to feel much better and the staff were very good – my husband was also well looked after, although he kept disappearing every time there was something involving needles, etc.!!
After having X-rays to ensure that everything was working as it should be on the Friday morning and after a visit from Dr B to check I was ok, we were taken back to our hotel by taxi.
Dr B came to our hotel on the Saturday morning to show my husband how to give me an anti-coagulation injection in my stomach (even though both myself and my husband knew that he would be the last person in the world to get that close to a needle). It was very simple as it was a regulated dose and I managed to give myself the injection once but my daughter did the others – I had to have this for 10 days and had the last injection on Monday night which I'm pleased about as I was beginning to feel a bit like a pin cushion!!
They gave me a list of vitamins and minerals, etc that I needed to take when I left the hospital and that I need to take for the next 5 years. Although they gave me a French website where I could purchase these, I found all of these in A-Z of Multivitamins and Iron from Sainsburys, but I'm sure that Boots and other places also do these.
The only other follow-up treatment I need is to have a blood test every 6 months to ensure that my vitamin and mineral levels are what they should be, but I can honestly say that considering this was only done 2 weeks ago,I feel amazingly well and I have now lost 23 lbs which is fantastic, though I have been strictly following what I can eat and as long as I stick to easy to digest food, I have no problems.
For anyone that is considering this option and using this company, I can only tell you about my personal experience, but I would have no hesitation in recommending this company and would like to thank everyone, especially Tullia and Dr B for all of their help and support.
Karen T
(full name and address supplied and available on request)
To Learn more about Gastric Bypass surgery, and other weight loss surgery,including Gastric Band Surgery, Gastric Balloons and gastric Sleeve Surgery please click HERE to visit our main Weight loss Surgery Website at Gastric-Banding-Surgery.co.uk
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Gastric Bypass Surgery Testimonial from UK Patient for Surgery in France
A Gastric Bypass Surgery Testimonial
To Tullia Law, Senior Co-ordinator Laser Clinics (France) Ltd
Surgery 23 rd January 2013
I had gastric bypass surgery 2 weeks ago, on 23rd January, 2013.
I am not one of these people who makes an instant decision about anything major that I decide to do, so I had throughly researched this option and along with the blessing of my Doctor, I decided this was the best cause of action for myself and that Laser Clinics (France) Ltd was the best company for me to use.
Even though I was morbidly obese, because I did not have any other health problems and according to my Doctor, due to where I live in the UK, there was no chance for me to have this surgery done on the NHS; leaving me with no option than to pay for this treatment myself. I looked into companies in the UK but they all wanted upwards of £10 – £11,000 so I decided the other option was to go abroad to have this surgery.
Any qualms I had about leaving the country for this treatment, where put to rest, firstly by the amazing support I received from a lady called Tullia Law, who remained in contact via e-mail and phone leading up to my surgery, during my surgery in France and who has remained in touch since I returned home, to check to see how I am getting on. Knowing that there is someone on the other end of the phone should you need some support was a big comfort.
My husband (who hates hospitals, needles, etc) decided to be very brave and to accompany me to France. We made our travel arrangements and let Tullia know when we would be arriving. Before leaving the UK, I already had my itinerary of what would be happening and when, the hospital and Doctor's details, which again, made me feel happier about the whole thing.
We arrived in Le Havre on Monday 21st January and decided to walk to our hotel which was about a 10-15 minute walk from the ferry port. As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we were made to feel welcome and everything went like clockwork. They were expecting us, everything was ready and they had all the details, with regards to taxis and timings – again, this made me very happy as I knew that everything had been well organised.
We were picked up by taxi and taken to the hospital that afternoon, to meet Dr B. (who spoke excellent English), the Anaethetist, and other hospital staff. I had to have a blood test and Dr B went through what he would be doing and then asked if we had any questions, which we did not, as we had been given all of the information we required before leaving the UK. The taxi took us back to the hotel and we relaxed and went out for a nice meal in the evening.
The following day, a taxi arrived on time to take us back to the hospital and I had to have an endoscopy – not a particularly nice procedure – but again, the Doctor who performed it and the Nurses that assisted him, could not have been kinder nor more professional. My husband sat in the waiting room and said I was only 5 minutes but trust me, it felt a lot longer than that to me!!! Again, a taxi took us back to the hotel and we wandered round and had lunch.
The next morning, a taxi picked us up at 6:45 am and took us to the hospital where staff were waiting for us and were efficiently checked in to a lovely room with a private bathroom and twin beds so he was able to stay with me the whole time, which was lovely for me.
Everything was handled competently and I had the surgery which took just over 2 hours and I was back in my room about 5 hours after leaving it. The staff were brilliant and Dr B came to see me to say that all had gone well and that he would be back to check on me in a few days. The worst thing on that day was the feeling of wanting to be sick, but that was due to the anesthetic and once they found an anti-nausea drug that worked, that stopped which was a huge relief.
I was on a drip, with pain killers, fluids and when necessary, anti-nausea medication, but by the Thursday evening, I was starting to feel much better and the staff were very good – my husband was also well looked after, although he kept disappearing every time there was something involving needles, etc.!!
After having X-rays to ensure that everything was working as it should be on the Friday morning and after a visit from Dr B to check I was ok, we were taken back to our hotel by taxi.
Dr B came to our hotel on the Saturday morning to show my husband how to give me an anti-coagulation injection in my stomach (even though both myself and my husband knew that he would be the last person in the world to get that close to a needle). It was very simple as it was a regulated dose and I managed to give myself the injection once but my daughter did the others – I had to have this for 10 days and had the last injection on Monday night which I'm pleased about as I was beginning to feel a bit like a pin cushion!!
They gave me a list of vitamins and minerals, etc that I needed to take when I left the hospital and that I need to take for the next 5 years. Although they gave me a French website where I could purchase these, I found all of these in A-Z of Multivitamins and Iron from Sainsburys, but I'm sure that Boots and other places also do these.
The only other follow-up treatment I need is to have a blood test every 6 months to ensure that my vitamin and mineral levels are what they should be, but I can honestly say that considering this was only done 2 weeks ago,I feel amazingly well and I have now lost 23 lbs which is fantastic, though I have been strictly following what I can eat and as long as I stick to easy to digest food, I have no problems.
For anyone that is considering this option and using this company, I can only tell you about my personal experience, but I would have no hesitation in recommending this company and would like to thank everyone, especially Tullia and Dr B for all of their help and support.
Karen T
(full name and address supplied and available on request)
To Learn more about Gastric Bypass surgery, and other weight loss surgery,including Gastric Band Surgery, Gastric Balloons and gastric Sleeve Surgery please click HERE to visit our main Weight loss Surgery Website at Gastric-Banding-Surgery.co.uk
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