Thursday, 30 September 2010

Gatric Band or Gastric Sleeve ?

Gastric band or gastric balloon?

There are many occasions when people want to lose weight, or need to lose weight for medical reasons who can not qualify for gastric band or gastric sleeve operations because they have a BMI below 35. It is now possible however for those people are able to elect for a gastric balloon.

What is a gastric balloon?

An Intragastric Balloon is a non-surgical operation which is designed to help people to lose weight when they have a BMI below the normal threshold for gastric band surgery. The procedure involves inserting a non-fixed saline solution filled silicone balloon in to stomach. This has the effect of reducing the eating capacity and calorie intake of the person. Initially, whilst the patients is under a minimal dose of anaesthetic the gastric balloon is introduced to the stomach through the oesophagus in a deflated condition. Once the surgeon is happy that the balloon is correctly placed inside the stomach it is filled with the solution. This whole process takes around 20-30 minutes.

When can the Gastric Balloon be fitted?

They can be fitted to people with a BMI between 27 and 35 who need to lose between 10 to 15 kg. reasonably quickly for health reasons. The fitting of a gastric balloon is also suitable in some cases where the person does not want to undergo a full surgical procedure for medical or other personal reasons. Normally gastric band surgery is only offered to patients with a BMI of over 35, however, for some people who need to lose weight for medical or other social or possibly mobility problems they can now have this alternative fitted. The person must be suitably motivated to be able to follow a strict diet regime following surgery.


Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Gastric Band and Other Obesity Surgery Options

Obesity is broadly speaking characterised as being when a person is approximately 100 pounds above the ideal body weight. This can also be determined as a person with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 to 40 or above.

The best procedure for the patient will be recommended by your bariatric surgeon at the first consultation who will consider all of the factors according to the general health, the weigh, and the attitude of the person. There are certain health factors which will always be taken in to consideration which are known as co-morbid factors which will include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and sleep apnoea.  In general terms the more weight the person needs to lose, the more radical the type of operation.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Gastric Band Surgery in Belgium Sees Increase In Enquiries

Many of the hospitals which specialise in gastric band surgery and other types of obesity surgery in Belgium are in convenient locations close to airports or rail networks. This means that travelers are able to use a variety of methods of transport, and because many local area airports in the UK now offer direct flights to airports in Belgium this has become especially attractive. There are also many hospitals and Clinics in Belgium, especially in the Brussels area,

Because of this new ease of access to Belgium and other European Cities visitors can benefit from the lower costs of obesity surgery in offered in Belgium, with Gastric Bands Surgery and Gastric by-pass Surgery being the most popular choices. 

We also discovered that most of the Medical and Professional Qualifications of the Obesity surgeons who carry out these procedures in Belgium are also registered to practice in the UK.  Belgian Hospitals also Benefits from what is considered by many to be one of the best Health Care Service providers in the Western World.

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Learn more about gastric band surgery in Belgium at our website which offers information and advice on Obesity and gastric band surgery for clients in the UK and Ireland, Visit our website now to see the latest special offers .

Gastric Band Surgery in Belgium Sees increase in Enquiries from the UK

Private health clinics in Belgium are receiving an increase in requests for information for obesity surgery such as gastric band surgery and gastric bypass surgery from people from people in many parts of the UK and Ireland since the UK Government recently announced it was considering cutting back on these types of surgery to save money for the NHS. 

It is assumed that this was due to the recent increase in publicity on the cutbacks, and in particular with respect to Obesity and the effect that it has on people's lives in general. Another possibility for the increase in request from the UK could also be because of the lengthy waiting time for gastric band surgery on the NHS in many parts of the UK. 

With the increased ease of access from most areas of the UK, it now makes it perfectly acceptable and cost effective to travel to Belgium at a reasonable cost. 


Monday, 20 September 2010

Hot Flashes Treatment|Hot Flash |Night Sweats|Menopause | Hot Flushes

The Flash-eez Finger Band is a revolutionary new product which provides hot flashes treatment, hot flush relief, and night sweats treatment, for both men and women.

Our unique new product can relieve menopause hot flash symptoms by using unique, all natural materials. Flash-eez is one-size-fits-all; offers an ideal fit for both men and women. The band is 100% safe, is available over-the-counter, and has no known side-effects.

Menopause Hot Flash Relief Alternative Treatments and Cures

Menopause hot flash treatments have now become accessible through the alternative medicines marketplace and have been gaining in both popularity and acceptance in recent years. Many cities and towns now have a number of outlets where anyone can buy these types of products.

Alternative treatments for menopausal hot flush relief are basically methods of accessing a treatment regime that has not been officially recognized by the clinical and medical establishment as a relief or cure. You can discover a large number of such products that fall within this category, and most people would be surprised to discover some of the items which are now categorized as "alternative" medicines.


It is a well know fact that gastric band surgery is a proven weight-reducer. You could lose nearly all of your extra weight by undergoing the procedure. Thus, surgery could in many cases totally negate the need for a diet plan, although there is the possibility that you could end up putting on additional pounds after your operation if you do not adhere to the diet plan which you will be given following the surgery, or continue with the follow up procedures for having the gastric band refilled at the specified times.

This Website Also contains a handy BMI calculator where you can check gastric band surgery, and he invites you to visit his extensive website's which he packs full of useful information, because he firmly believes that it is important to provide sufficient information to enable his website visitors to make decisions based on sound advice and information.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Gastric Band and Obesity Surgery Options

During the last ten years or so many techniques for weight loss surgery have been developed or perfected. The two most commonly known of these are gastric banding and gastric bypass surgery. There has recently been two new additions to this list which are known as the gastric sleeve (sleeved gastrectomy). and the gastric balloon

The gastric banding operation involves surgically placing a small adjustable silicone lap band around the upper part of the stomach creating a reduced stomach upper pouch area which restricts the volume of food which the stomach can accept at the time of eating.

A gastric bypass  is a more radical surgery and has the additional advantage that there will be a more significant weight loss accomplished in a shorter period of time. 

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Friday, 3 September 2010

Geoff Lord: Geoff Lord shares a web site with you

I saw this news on and thought you might be interested:

Menopause Hot Flash Cure Discovery In Florida

(Copy & paste the url to address bar if not clickable.)

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Hot Flash relief Cure Discovered in Florida USA

 After seeing how his wife suffering several years of frustration suffering from hot flashes and hotsweats, a retired airframe engineer resident in Florida USA began to experiment to work out if he could make something to significantly  limit this symptom.

From his experience as an engineer he knew about the theory that a few metals could in effect have plus and minus effects on the body. Gold, he had been told possibly had the ability to add energy into the body, and silver had the ability to extract energy. He was aware of the fact that several people wear a gold and copper braclet for arthritis, and he had been advised that these bands gave  good results in the relief of pain for rumatic and arthritic conditions. More research also additionally lead him to believe that magnetic force fields can have a beneficial effect in the relief of human bodily aches and pains.

Research was additionally undertaken into the ancient science of reflexology which could also be a possible source of help, when it is believed that by stimulating certain areas of the bodies refelex system these can have the ability to effect other areas of the body. After further investigation andtesting that by stimulating the ends of the pinkie finger with some materials that there was a positive reaction in the reduction of the effects of Hot flushes.

Another area of research in to the subject was the old practice of acupuncture which is occassionaly used in every day clinical practice for the handling of pain relief.

A further path of research was the chinese practice of "Yin and Yang" where it is believed that  "Chi" circulates in the human body along twelve major energy pathways known as meridians. Each one is probably considered to be associated to a specific organ and bodily electrical system. According to ancient Yin-Yang theory, it is believed that one has arrived at the state of Chi (bio-energy) when your body's negative (Yin) and positive (Yang) energies are in equalibrium. Chi, according to assumptions, has been explained as the natural vital power that allows body and mind to continually perform to its fullest potential.

The areas of research were therefore concentrated in to combinations of all of the possible positive things he now thought may be of help. These were :-

1. gold
2. silver
3. acupuncture
4. reflexology
5. magnetism
Many test were done using variations of materials, structures, and methods of delivery.

After testing with these combinations and many more months of experimenting his theory with the assistance of his spouse, he eventually discovered what he thought to be the most effective formulation and combination of metalic materials to put in to production the primary prototype Flash-eez. A elementary method of making the alpha prototypes was hashed up in his garage, this enabled him to change and update various ways of production reasonably quickly. After some time, and a few more modifications to the construction methods he managed to produce a robust product.

Throughout this period he set about alpha testing his new preliminary product by gifting them to his wifes friends. He received a surprising number of recomendations from most of his alpha test group who reported positive and miraculous results for the apparent elimination of hot flashes and night sweats when using the amazing Flash EEZ in the recommended manner.

From the few negative results, he learned that some of the alph test group had not been using the the Flash EEZ in right way, and others had not tried the Flash EEZ for long enough periods, or at the wrong time, when they had no symptoms, to establish any meaningful results.

The product was subsequently given to some Doctors who were known to be interested in this area of practice. The amazing Flash EEZ were then given to selected clients by the medical practitioners as a non-clinical test. The results were positive in 75% of the test groups.
The product, now known as "Flash-Eez" has been designed to relieve sufferers from the stress and distress caused by hot flushes, was put in to a small production run, and marketing tests were ongoing at the time of writing this article.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Advantages of Gastric Band Surgery in Belgium

If you are thinking seriously about having gastric band surgery to help you achieve your weight loss goals. It is a good idea to learn as much as you can about it, and choose a doctor to perform this surgery carefully

In France or Belgium you will get the best possible care and most experienced surgeons available so you can rest assured of top quality service and a good outcome to Gastric band surgery.

If you are thinking of having gastric band surgery in the UK, you might want to investigate the opportunities for gastric band surgery that are available right next door, in Belgium or France. Belgium or France are only a short train ride, drive or flight away from the UK, and are easily accessible from all other European countries.

Doctors in Belgium or France are trained extensively, and their education is vigorous and exacting. You won't be sacrificing quality when you choose to have your gastric band surgery done there. In addition, many of these doctors offer follow-up care through their network or physicians in the UK. So in most cases you won't have to travel to Belgium or France numerous times.

Cost is a factor, too. The cost of gastric band surgery in Belgium or France is half as much as it is in the UK. Plus, there is no waiting for your surgery once you have made the decision to have it. You can make the appointment in Belgium or France for when you want it, instead of waiting for an appointment at the NHS.

By Geoff Lord